Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Farleigh craft market

Hi it won't be long now, the big day is soon approaching and i am all ready to go. Just some last minute things to finish.
The note at the top is to remind me to take the milk for the coffee and tea. Hope to see some of you there. For those who are unable to come i will keep you posted.


  1. Hi Linda

    I would love to have come to buy up all the goodies but it's a bit of a treck on the bus.

    I hope to see you later on this morning..

    ~ Julie

  2. You left a comment on Hensteeth which is how I've found you. Your vicar is a very fine person. Keep blogging!

  3. Excellent! I'm going to try and get there on Saturday. Good luck with the event. x

  4. Hope you sell all your creations and make loads of money for the hospice, good luck!

  5. £640 !!! profit for the Hospice !!!!
