Thursday, 31 March 2011

Happy thoughts and sad thoughts

I woke up this morning to a lovely posy of flowers from my husband to celebrate my retirement. I have finished work today after working 25 years looking after children and young people with disabilities. I really enjoyed my job, it was the best, but now its time to start relaxing and enjoy the rest of my life.

Goodbye to all the lovely staff and young people i have had the pleasure of being with .xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Wishing You a*** Wonderful Creative Retirement *** after 25years service in a job you excelled in and gave so much Positive contribution to in the lives of so many Young People and their families xxx ..........WELL DONE LINDA .........

  2. Awwwh, that is so sweet. Wishing you a lovely retirement Linda. Hope you get to do all the things you want. You so deserve it after all the good work you have done helping people over the years. x

  3. Happy Retirement Linda! Sounds like you have done and had a wonderful job -hope you really enjoy your retirement. x

  4. Hey this is a great thing, 1st day of the rest of your life. Go girl get out there and enjoy it!!!

  5. Thank you all so very much for your kind comments. It has been one of those wet hankerchief days.xxxxxxxxxx

  6. Linda..... hope this is the beginning of a new and wonderful adventure for you. Lots of smiles and hugs coming your way from me!
