Wednesday, 19 January 2011

First signs of Spring

After Blue Monday, which was said to be the most depressing day in the month of January, I decided to search for signs of Spring to cheer me up. Whilst wandering around my garden i was delighted to find several plants coming into flower.

 I found these snowdrops in a sheltered position at the bottom of my garden. We only have three different species, but i understand there are hundreds.

I love Primula's they are my favourite Spring flower.They come in lots of colours and look good growing in my borders

Daisies grow well in our lawn. I love to make Daisy chains with them and hang them round my neck, that's if I'm quick enough, before my husband cuts the lawn.

These old fashioned violets grow in large clumps around an old dead tree.They look like a carpet of blue when they are in full bloom.

The flower of the blue flag is protected by its spiky foliage. I found this one in my flower border.

I love the Spring! when every thing comes alive after the depths of the winter. In fact all the seasons are special !!!