Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Still bargains to be had in the charity shops

Hi all my lovely bloggers. Hope you are all keeping well and managing to be cheerful with this very wet weather we are having. Still its good for the gardens and saves us all the watering we usually have to do this time of the year.

While out shopping the other day i went into our local charity shop and as i am always on the look out for art books, the book area is the first place i aim for.  To my amazement i found not one art book, but five. They cost 79p each and were all brand new. How lucky was that. Well i just had to show you my finds.

I made this journal by using some of the ideas from the above book. I call it my BLOB book.
I use the book as a reference to the colours before applying to my paintings Its surprising the different colours that are made.  Some artists use their blobs to create an art work.

I have been going to my art classes for almost a year now and am beginning to feel more confident with the work i  produce. I am painting flowers this term and really enjoying using water colour.
Here are some of my paintings.

I am pleased with these pictures, after all i have only been painting for a short while . It just goes to show you can do anything if you try.


  1. Very nice finds! And very nice painting as well!

  2. Hi Linda Your art is very good, well done for keeping going. Amazing bargains, I looked on the 2nd hand book site and you have really got great bargains - would have cost you over £26 more to buy. X J

  3. Love your Bargains !!! and your blob book so lovely and your painting well so Wonderful - I love there Geranium best of all especially the leaves !! but they are all so good really - Well done xx

  4. Linda your paintings are amazing,well done!Such brilliant finds too and I'm sure you will put them to very good use with your new hobby,happy weekend lovelyxxx

  5. Hi Linda... I love the Iris.. Absolutley fabulous..

    Amazing books, would love to take a peek sometime.. Have a good week.. xxx
