Thursday, 4 July 2013

Great News

 Hi all you lovely bloggers out there. Hope you are enjoying the warmer weather we are experiencing at the moment.
 It looks like we are going to be lucky for it to last over the weekend. So i am looking forward to spending some time out in the sunshine taking lots of photos.

This week i had some great news....... I had passed my photography  City and Guilds level 1 with an overall Merit. So with all my hard work paid off i am now on the road to producing good photos....Well! hopefully....
My Theme was Life on The Water Ways.

Here are my six photos i produced for my assignment.

  I have now got the opportunity to do the level 2 City and Guilds for which i am seriously considering. Looks like i am a glutton for punishment.......... 


  1. Go for it girl and a huge well done you, how exciting and how brave. I've often wondered should I! Suzy x

  2. Well done, I think you should definitely go for the next level.

  3. Well done Linda, Your photos are amazing. Hope You decide to go on and do the next level :-)
    Have a lovely weekend, looks like warmer weather.

  4. Great news! Hope you do the next level those pics are really good. Love from Molly too x J

  5. Many congratulations hunnie, they are amazing and well worth the hard work xx

  6. Congratulations Linda, you have enjoyed your first C&G so much I hope you will continue on to level 2. Wishing you all the best with it, Betty

  7. Hi Linda, the photo's are amazing, congratulations..

    Cherry has some news for you if you haven't got my email.. Speak

  8. Id love to hear more about this course as I'm desperate to improve my photography!

