While walking along the beach between Cromer and Sheringham on a hot and still day this week i was fascinated by the shape and form of the rocks exposed by the out going tide. So i thought i would share these photos with you. I love the Norfolk coast line it is one of the best places to visit in England ......

A crab....

A Serpent.......

An Octopus sinking in the sand.....

A Snoopy dog........

Not sure what this looks like, but i just loved the colours.

A Fish.....I just love the blue..

A Turtle........

A New born lamb.....

The Rear end of a dog.....or maybe a snail!!!

Guess what!! a HEART......

A bird in flight......

A Sleeping snake.....

A Snail......

A Bird in full flight.......

A Crocodile. If you look closely you can see its eye....

A dog on its side. It looks a bit like my Tilly dog....
I would like to say a big thank you to all my followers who so kindly commented on my last post.
My lovely dad is very slowly showing signs of recovering from his stroke.