With all the rain we have had these last few weeks every thing in the garden is looking a picture. The proudest part of the garden is the fruit and vegetable plot where all my hard work of planting is starting to pay off. We have raspberries, strawberries, redcurrants and blackcurrants ready to pick and also broad beans, peas and carrots. The potatoes and beetroot will be ready in about a week.
My Husband took this photo of me picking raspberries
My first broad bean.
Wild Strawberries.
Black currants ready to pick.
Tilly my Jack Russell, She is 14 and still loves to chase the rabbits, but they can out run her now.
This is not a real duck, but he looks good looking over the pond.
I love the grey colour of these flowers.
A view from the house.
A flower boarder full of Sweet Williams and roses.
My green house where i grow Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and peppers.
These chamomile flowers are ready to pick and dry.
The first flowering holly hock.
The ox eye daisy grows very well in my garden.
Look what you can do with a broken flower pot. I have grown a cactus in mine.
A vase of flowers from my garden.
I love this wild area of my garden. The Sweet Williams i grew from seed last year. The colours are amazing.
I am very proud of my garden. It is worth all the hard work that my husband and myself put into it.