Hi to all my blogging friends i hope you are enjoying the summer, or should i say 'the wet summer' The only thing about it is that i don't have to water my fruit and veg plot.
They say that by the end of the week the weather is going to brighten up, I hope so as we are taking our caravan to Norfolk for the Cromer carnival week. We just love it their, such a great place to be. I plan to paint some sea scape's if I'm lucky with the weather and go for long walks along the coast line.
Well as most of you know by now if you follow my blog i am a bit of a collector. I collect anything from Cabbage Patch dolls to marbles.
One of my favourite things i like to collect is old sewing tools, buttons and hand made needlework or crochet work.
A selection old buttons, bone crochet hooks and needle worked bag.
My grans old work box. I love the pink crochet thimble holder. Its so finely worked.
This very old tin was my grans she kept pins in it.
How clever the person was to crochet these pot holders. I found these at the bottom of an old box at the boot sale. They were very dirty and smelly, but after a soak in washing powder they look as good as new.
Some old silk cottons used to mend stockings, darning mushrooms and wool cutters.
The bone tool was used to make clippy rugs. The hat is a pin cushion.
Old cottons and thimbles
Crocheted pin cushions
I paid 30 pence for this piece of material I found it in a rag bag and just had to rescue it.
My favourite needle case.
I don't really know what these are, but when a bought them i loved the way they had been made and the wood that was used. My husband said they were old toilet lids. Anyone have any other ideas?
The sewing box, along with a few needlework bits was my granny Claydon's. The rest i have collected throughout my life time. They are not worth much, but mean a lot to me.