Hi all you lovely bloggers out there. ... Yes i am still alive and hope fully back blogging again after what seems to have been a long spell away. My photography assignment is now finished and just waiting to be handed in to my tutor on Tuesday and then down to the pub i hope !!! My course was City and Guilds level 1 in Photography. I did it at college for 2 hours a week plus 1 day home work. Although i have found my course quite hard going i have also thoroughly enjoyed it and have learn't a great deal on how to take great photos. These photos were taken in my garden. Hope you like them..
Hi everybody I've been very busy lately finishing my assignment for my photography course so have not been able to do much blogging.
However i just had take some time out to introduce my lovely daughter- in - law Stephanie Wilks. Stephanie has been on the weight watchers diet for the last 16 months after the birth of her second daughter Darcey and has lost nearly two and a half stone. You can read her journey in the June addition of Weight Watchers. So all you slimmers out there you must go and buy the June addition of Weight Watchers. Her are some photos of Stephanie . I'm sure you will agree she looks stunning with her new image.
Well done Stephanie we are all very proud of your achievement. Love you lots.xxxxxx