I've always fancied having a go at upholstery, but never seemed to get round it that was until a friend introduced me to Jayne . Jayne has a mobile upholstery business and teaches her skills weekly in a little Chapel just a few miles from where i live. I''m really enjoying it and hope to achieve better things in the future. This little stool is the first of my projects.
On a day trip out to Aldeburgh Suffolk last week I couldn't resist buying this hand made Indian storage basket. The idea was to use it as a laundry basket in our motor home, but as you can see Florence our 3 year cat got to it first and made it her bed. So as we hadn't got the heart to turn her out, the laundry basket will have to wait.
I would strongly recommend a visit to Aldeburgh for its out of the ordinary shops, where you can buy that little some thing different.