I have just returned from an amazing and inspiring journey to the Eden Project in Cornwall or should i say.......The most amazing incredible garden you'll ever visit.......
It is described as the 8th wonder of the world, a playground in which to explore our relationship with nature. The project was built 10 years ago on an old clay quarry and is now visited by visitors from all over the world.
I have always wanted to visit the project so when our friends invited myself and my husband to go with them we jumped at the offer.
The four of us traveled to Cornwall with Crusader coaches for a 4 day short break. We also visited Prince town harbour, Trebah Gardens and Falmouth. All very different, but all lovely to visit. The weather was unpredictable with sun and showers, but it didn't stop us enjoying ourselves.

These large domes house the Mediterranean Biomes and Rainforest Biomes.

This how it all started with one mans conquest to build this garden. The SEED is housed in the The Core... The Core is an education centre with a roof based on the structure of a sunflower...

This is me outside a dwelling where a family would live...

These totems were created by a West African sculptor from charred timber from Falmouth docks that was destroyed by fire. They started their life from trees from South Africa........

This hut would provide shelter for the village people...

Looking up to the top of the dome is the rain forest lookout. Its a bit scary up there and very humid....

The spirit of Colita de Gavilan is depicted on the headdress of the spirit....It was used to heal broken bones....I was inspired by the primitive painting...

This display shows where coffee comes from...

Bananas are transported by over head conveyor to go to market.

I have never seen a peanut tree before so was amazed to see how it grew in its native surroundings

This brightly coloured truck is a TK Bedford used to transport Bananas from the plantations

I just loved this statue.....The Mediterranean Biomes was not so humid....

My husband again with another motorbike.....

These dancing statues were a fine piece of art work.....

How simple this hut was made from dry stone, just right for the hot conditions

Plants grow twice as big in the hot dry conditions

Cool Cats....Something to do with catalytic converter ?

These healthy looking plants are Tobacco plants....

The Wee Man stands proud looking over the gardens. He's made entirely of stuff we throw away...

Some kind lady took this photo of us in the wild flower garden..

We were transported by land train to the garden..

A massive fly happily sitting in the flower garden..

Our view as we approach the garden by land train...

Spot the bucket with a chain running through it. The aim is to collect the rain water by catching it in the water butt how creative is that....

This shed has been made from old building materials. How Eco is that!!!!!!!!

This driftwood horse was sculptured by Heather Jan sch.......
There is just so much to see at the Eden project which cannot be seen in a day. I will certainly be going back again, hopefully next time we will take our little granddaughters with us as we feel it is a must for them to see this paradise and for them to find out more about how it is run without harming the planet.
I would also like to say thank you to our kind friends who invited us to see this wonderful garden.