I attend my class on Tuesday afternoon's at the Navigation Studio ' Lockside' Heybridge Basin. The studio overlooks the Navigation Canal. Its the most amazing setting for any Artist to paint.. Its full of boats, water and sky........
Sonia my tutor has been patiently showing me the art of water colour, along with seven other budding artists. They are also beginners, so i don't feel too much is expected of me........
My first attempt in water colour was to paint a summer sky which if you haven't ever painted one you may think it was boring, but as Sonia is such a good tutor she showed me how exiting it was to paint one... Now i look at sky's in a different way..... I have also learnt that by mixing blue, yellow and red water colour paints i can create different types of sky's....
These are my tools i used to create my paintings. Florence is looking for something to play with . She is a typical kitten who is always into mischief....
These three pictures show how i have used a blue, yellow and red wash to create different types of sky....
Growing in confidence i managed to add some scenery. My husband said it was good as a first attempt.....
Looking out to the river Blackwater as i go over the lock gates. Just take a look at that summer sky with its reflection on the water......
Sonia's studio on the other side of the lock...She also uses it as a Gallery where she sells paintings, unique gifts and jewellery...
As i come out of the studio i see all these lovely boats on the canal. What i would give to own one of those....
This is the walkway back to the lock. The white house on right is a pub and gets very busy at weekends. It over looks the river...
I consider myself lucky to have found such a lovely place to paint.......