At last i have managed to get to grips with my new camera.......
I bought the camera, a Canon EOS 550D after a two day photography course with Jeff Turnbull last September. The two day crash course was an introduction to the digital camera, it gave me the basic understanding of the camera and more confidence to take better photos.
I would like to take my photography skills further so i am now looking to join a camera club or go back to collage to get some qualifications.
These photos were taken with the camera. I know i have a lot more to to learn about photography, but this is just a start....

The warmer weather for this month has led flowers like this one to bloom late into the winter.

I like taking close up photos, but have a lot more to learn about Macro lens

This Medlar tree is very special to me .I planted it over 20 years ago. The leaves have almost dropped.
The Medlar tree bares these fruits each Autumn. They are eaten when they are soft and dark brown.

This burnt chair was rescued from my niece's house after it was completely destroyed by fire 5 months ago.

Some Christmas bunting i made for my little granddaughter.

I was very pleased with this photo. I would love to paint it in water colour.

Florence our pet cat.

Tilly the dog . She loves having her photo taken

Part of my garden.

Cocky our cockerel.

Late flowering geranium.
I know i have a long way to go before i can say i am professional, but in the meantime i will just enjoy using my camera for fun. Hope you like some of my images............