Friday, 5 April 2013

Memories in a box.

Its been a while since my lovely dad passed away and now we have the sadness of clearing the family home
 I thought i was finished with the tears, but going through 91 years of my dads beloved treasures has been more emotional than when he died. Things like family photos, fathers day and birthday cards, going back years are the worst.

 Its so heart breaking to break up a family home which had so many happy memories, but it has to be done.

We found some of his special photos and keepsakes from his past in an old wooden box which i would like to share with you all.

   How lovely that dad cherished these old cards enough to keep them. The one on the bottom right was from my mum to my dad.

 Some old coins and purses and a post office savings book.
 My lovely mum and dad during the war. Mum passed away 4 years ago leaving dad very sad. He missed her terribly.
 An old hand written envelope addressed to where dad was stationed during the war
 How lovely to find such a royal piece of memorabilia.
 Photos of my mum, dad and his mum and dad. The 2 babies are my sister and me.
 My granny and granddad Claydon. The silk postcards were sent to my gran from my granddad during the first war.
 Lovely hand written letter. Notice how old the stamp is.
 More photos of my family.
 Me with my twin sister Carole. I think i am the one on the left.
 Mum and Dad with both of us.
 I still have my teddy and rose bud doll.
 Mum always dressed us up in the same cloths so it was hard to tell which one was which.
 More of dads treasures in his box.

As you can see by these photos my mum and dad where very proud of us two girls and we were lucky enough to have such kind and caring parents.
God Bless you both.

Foundling Museum

Foundling Museum
A must to visit........xx