Hip hip hooray iv'e passed my City and Guild level 2 in photography and with a MERIT as well!! The years course was split into two themes. The first theme was of people out and about. As my images were of people i have decided not to show them. For the second theme i chose The Beauty of Rust. This was much easier as i have a passion for the natural environment and wanted to show how something that was left on a junk heap could be seen as a thing of beauty after the elements had changed the concept of the metal over the years. I love the way the camera brought out the texture,colour, shape and form of the once loved pieces. I hope you can see the beauty in these 10 photos like i do .......
As you all know i frequently go to car boot sales. I love the excitement of finding something that intrigues me. Something that was once loved and now more or less given away because it has no use to that person any more. Its a real buss when you come across that special find especially when it has a story to tell. Here are a few of my favourite finds for this years. I bought these because to me they are treasure, to you they could be trash ....... I bought this paper egg from a woman who said it belonged to her gran and was very old. I didn't know it at the time, but when i got home i found the silk hankie and some trinkets inside which look like they celebrated a special occasion. maybe memories from her wedding day !!!!!
This little chap at one time was probably a child's favourite toy. It is also old and beautifully made out of felt. His braces are held up with very tiny pearl buttons
At one time a plate like this was very sought after and expensive, but as its got a chip in it worthless. To me priceless.
A fair-ling like this would have been won at a fair.It now takes pride of place on my pine dresser. The bone crochet hook i bought from a young girl who also was selling some of her grans stuff.
Its not only what's inside,but the packaging that appeals to me. Look at the art work on the box. Not sure if its sixties.
Another box this time with patchwork templates. They don't make packaging like this any more.
I had to have this 1983 Calligraphy gift set. Its one of those things i would like to do one day. Its over 30 years old and not used.
Patience Strong was a much loved poet known for her charming little verses published in the Daily Mirror each day from the 1930s. They were a great comfort throughout the second world war.
I love to think about Jill and John who are mentioned in the book. All i know it came from an elderly man who was going into a home as he was unable to look after himself any more. How very sad.
I found this paper cutting inside the book and thought it was worth a read. It must have meant something to somebody to keep it.
The lady who sold me these books was having a clear out. I felt we had a lot in common as she was also selling her country living magazines which i subscribe to and would NEVER sell.
Its not only old things i look for, but new things as well, Like this new flower fairies book. I bought to help me paint fairies in my art class.
These bling earrings were once the hight of fashion in the early days. They are beautifully made, not cheap old plastic used today! and although i would never wear them they look good decorating the hem of my dolls dress.
The material was my resent find, just great for my patchwork.
Hope you have enjoyed my boot sale trip. Can't wait for next Sunday, that's if it don't rain.......