Monday, 27 February 2012

Still Life photos for my March U3A

Hi everyone at last i have managed to conquer this new dashboard stystem. I was having difficulty with writing my posts so have now changed to blogger chrome. Unfortunately i am one of these people who don't like change and find when anything goes wrong i am just useless with technology. I don't know how i would have managed to sort this one out without my daughter Rebecca. Thankyou.

Here are some still life photos i took for my March U3A meeting this Thursday i hope you like them.

 I love my monthly photography meetings with the U3A. I find that by being in the group we share our ideas in a social environment.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Red Roses, Lace, Hearts and chocolates.

Just had to show you all what a lovely, kind hubby i have. Look what he gave me for Valentines Day.!!      Its also Hubby's Birthday today . So Happy Birthday Neil.

A dozen Red Roses, Card, A Lace Scarf, Heart and some Chocolates. Its hard to think we have been married for over 40 years and Neil still loves me dearly. What a lucky girl i am.....

                                                             How romantic is that!!!!!!!!.

I would like to dedicate this valentine to my great friend Cherry. She is having her first exhibition at a gallery in Leigh on Sea Essex. We are all very proud of her as she has worked so hard to follow her dream and now its happening for her.
This is one of her original pieces she painted for Valentines Day last year. It has pride of place in my craft room and i just love it..
Well  Done Cherry !.x


Sunday, 5 February 2012

Another successfull Scouts Rummage for 2012

Yesterday i braved the bitter cold weather and went to my favourite rummage . It was held at the scouts headquarters near to where i live and is an annual event. As usual there were a lot of people  there all looking for that one special thing that might make them rich, but sadly i am still looking. However i did pick up a few bargains . Hope you like the photos.

Everyone waiting for the off. Most of the jumble was outside.

My hubby sorting through the books.

I caught site of this rocking horse after it had been sold.

Load's and loads of bags all waiting for someone to buy them.

Books for everyone.

 This was a bargain for £5.00. My nephews wife bought it. She has plans to recover it in vintage material. 

These cheeky chaps sold me an easel for £3 provided i put their photo on my blog. So here it is chaps..

Its surprising how busy the second hand cloths shed gets. Mind you i managed to get a couple of designer bits...

My daughter,Becky and her friend Sam braving the cold waiting for to buy that bargain. Becky only managed to buy some marbles. She has a large collection at home.

Its amazing what you find at a rummage. This Gorilla suit was sold hopefully to some one with a sense of humour. So if you see this gorilla you ll now where its come from.

Two very different jugs i managed to find. The father Christmas one is quit old and probably mass produced. The other one was made on a wheel by a potter then decorated by hand.

I found a few bits of china.

Some cloths i found all washed and ironed.

All my wares displayed for the camera. My easel was my best find.

A close up of my crockery.

Pair of Ducal Crown plates. I love the raised borders of fruit and flowers. Also some fabric that may come in handy for my patchwork.

I just love going to rummage sales. Its the thrill of finding a bargain that i like.....

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

My Lovely Valentine.

A few weeks ago i was given the task by my Contemporary Craft group to design and make two Valentine cards. Well here they are all ready to send to my sweetheart !!! (Hubby)
I have posted these on Hungry Hippi for my monthly make. They are also on flickr.

This was my first attempt. I made the hearts out of paper then sewed them onto the postcard with red cotton then added the words. I found the buttons in my button box.

My second attempt was made out of fabric . The shape was built up of several layers then sewn with red cotton around the edges.
 The words have a very special meaning to me.

All hearts together.
I found it hard at first to make these cards. I wanted to put my feelings into my work of how i feel about LOVE and i think i have succeeded.