Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Essex Daisy Brooch

Hi everyone during my patchwork class last week one of the girls showed us how to make a daisy brooch. I loved it so much i had to make one. So just in case some of you lovely bloggers would like to have a go here is how i made it.

I chose a light weight Laura Ashley fabric with a small design. The lighter weight of fabric the better.

                                         The finished  Essex Daisy Brooch

I cut out 13 circles approx 6cm or the size of the bottom of a jam jar.

                           To make the 12 petals i folded them into half, then quarter, then eighths.

To secure the petal I sewed each one separately.

I then threaded each one to form a circle. This part was a bit fiddly.

With the last circle I stitched round the outside, added a small circle of felt, then pulled it so make a Suffolk puff. I  then sewed it onto the from of the brooch. Next i cut out another circle of felt for the back and repeated it again. I then sewed on a safety pin to finish it off.

This is why i love blogging i think its so lovely to be able to share our art and craft ideas.


  1. Thanks for sharing this! This is an adorable brooch!

  2. This looks lovely Linda,thankyou for sharing how you made it,I must give this a try.Glad the classes are going wellxxx

  3. Oh so that's how u made them. I got one, thanx Linda its lovely. x J

  4. Ooooh, lovely ... are you going to make more? :)

  5. Yes, thank you for sharing this lovely brooch.... I just love Laura Ashley fabric!
