I felt i just had to publish this post to show you all my secret garden. I call it my Secret Garden as nobody ever sees it, which is a shame as its very pretty this time of the year. My husband and i work very hard in the garden and love to see it looking well cared for. There's no need for us to go to the gym as the exercise keeps us fit.
We try to be self sufficient as much as possible by growing fruit and vegetables. We also have chickens which give us enough eggs and a few spare to sell. The plot is surrounded by hedges and trees which enables wild life and birds to flourish. My favourite bird song is the Song Thrush. I get all excited when i hear them singing at dawn. We also have a pair of woodpeckers who are very shy, we usually see them when they come into the garden in search of food.
These roses and Hollyhocks are the only flowers to be seen by passers bye as they walk to the station.
As i walk down the garden i can smell the perfume of the honeysuckle and jasmine growing along the picket fence which separates into two separate rooms. The roses and hollyhocks are all out in full bloom, looking a picture you would like to paint. There's Mrs Hen having her afternoon nap in the summer house and the sound of bird song coming from the hedges that surround the garden.
If you look closely you can see Mrs Hen sunbathing
My husband just loves to get in the picture. He is admiring my pots standing in a row.
The vegetable plot is now producing lots of fresh fruit and vegetables which you cant compare them to shop bought ones. All organic, Its lovely to see something grown from a tiny seed. How rewarding is that.

My leeks and winter greens are looking healthy after several days of rain

The potatoes are growing well. We are digging up early ones which are of a good size.

Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are growing well. The cucumbers are nearly ready to pick.

My husband built this gate using the wood i found while out walking on the sea shore . I just love it....

He also stacked this seasoned wood in the shape of an arch. We use this on our wood burner in the winter. Its very cosy...

I just can't throw anything away so have lots of junk around. I think it gives the garden character.

This is a new pathway i have created using Tobacco plants and Sweetwilliams They give off a lovely smell in the evenings.
I am very proud of my garden and find it a pleasure to be in even if nobody else see's it.