Saturday, 29 January 2011

Textile Fair

This was my first ever visit to a vintage textile fair. It was held at the Warner Textile Archive in Braintree Essex. The doors opened at 11.00am to a large crowd of people who like me were looking for old vintage textiles. Also on display were textiles from the Warner archives and arts and craft.

This was one of my favourite I loved the pattern and the striking colours

 This print was used for the poster i think it looks great.

 This collection of silk threads were used in the textile world.

 A collection of brightly coloured prints
                                                                                                I purchased these pieces of vintage quilting.  I think i will make them into pincushions.

This book of samples gave a good record of vintage textiles.

More lovely prints.                        
I purchased a stamp similar to one of these in the shape of a leaf.

I loved this silk scarf, but didn't like the price.

 Love the striking shapes in these photos
 I had a lovely time at the Textile Fair and came away with lots of ideas and enthusiasm to have a go at block printing. I would like to visit the museum again, but not when the fair is on.


  1. Looks like this was a great fair, wish I'd gone, think I might try and go along one day, the textiles look amazing!x

  2. Wow! That all looks great. What a fab day out. :-)

  3. love the scarfs - good job I did'nt go !!!!!!!

  4. How lucky were you to be able to attend this fair..... would have liked to see everything there! Love the textile journal, the printing blocks (I have 3) and all the bright colors in the old prints. Thanks for sharing your photos and please don't forget to post the pin cushions when they are done. Hugs, Donna

  5. Looks like you got the best stuff before Cherry. It looks a great exhibition, can't wait to see it.

  6. OMG and you did not tell any of us you were going!!! I missed this doh. xxx's Joan

  7. Hi Linda,

    So glad you enjoyed the Textile Fair at the Warner Textile Archive last year! We're holding a Textile Festival next May and June, including another fair on 12th May - we hope you might be able to spread the word and make it yourself!

    Our wallpapers, scarves, books and other gifts will also be available on our website from mid November - we have lots of new designs which you might like to take a look at - hopefully one or two might appeal to you!

    The Archive has lots of events coming up for Christmas too, so take a look at our Facebook page or Twitter (@TextileArchive) to keep up to date and pass the details on to others!

    It would be great to see you again at the Archive soon!
    Charlotte (Warner Textile Archive)
