Monday, 9 April 2012

My Rainy Day Patchwork Project

Hi to you all and a Happy Easter despite it being a rainy Easter Monday.

As a dedicated gardener here in drought Essex, the rain has not come quick enough, but it has given me a good excuse to spend the day doing some craft work.
I chose this Easy Star Block which Joy from my patchwork group introduced me to.

A Tutorial for the Easy Star Block.

Stage one.
Stage two.
Stage three.
Stage four.
Stage five.
Stage six.
Stage seven.
Stage eight.
This image was taken by holding the finished piece up against the light.

I'm not sure what to do with this piece of patchwork yet. Maybe a small cushion or a large pincushion........xx


  1. Amazing tutorial !!! wonderful photos - I think it would look nice with your other pieces hanging on that old wooden ladder you have ? or something like that - it's beautiful

  2. Great teaching Linda, I think Florence would like this! Nice cushion to curl up on. X J

  3. Wow, that is amazing. Well done for photographing all the steps to share with us. Hope you had a lovely Easter. x
