Shelia, (chairwomen of Farleigh) kindly showed myself and Cherry, my partner in crime what to do.
This is me selling jewelry, haberdashery, and some of my handy work. I was quite pleased as i managed to sell some of my hearts as well.
Cherry is such a great organiser. I don't know how i would have managed without her. Our stall all ready for the punters...........
Cherry just doing the last minute touches. She is such a perfectionist!!!
It was so lovely to see Andrea Farmer (artist) turn up. Cherry and i had only seen her on her blog so it was so nice to see her in the flesh. Shelia trying hard to convince Andrea that she could do something artistic with ZIPS.......
Here we are again, like two in separable twins
I don,t know who won the raffle prize, but i bet they were pleased with their prize.
Lots and lots of lace and jewelry displayed in a vintage vanity case, just to add a bit of taste to the stall.
Remnants of material saying " come and buy me"....
This lovely lady came and gave us a hand to display our jewelry.
Getting ready in the kitchen for the great rush of teas, coffees and cakes.
The day ended on a happy note with Shelia announcing that the Farleigh craft group had managed to reach its target of £100,000,00 in the ten years that she had been running it, along with a very very committed team of helpers....WELL DONE EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!